The perfect size bag to cover you for gym or school. With a zippered main compartment that opens wide for easy packing. The shoulder strap is adjustable so you can wear it at the length you like and the haul handle is padded for comfort.
Adidas is a name that stands for excellence in all sectors of sport around the globe. The vision of company founder Adolf Dassler has become a reality, and his corporate philosophy has been the guiding principle for successor generations. The idea was as simple as it was brilliant: to provide every athlete with the best possible equipment. It all began in 1920, when Adi Dassler made his first shoes using the few materials available after the First World War. Today, the adidas product range extends from shoes, apparel, and accessories for basketball, soccer, fitness and training to adventure, trail and golf.
Linethemes –
Its really basic. Very thin material. And smaller than expected. If I got to see it in my hands ahead of buying it, I would have not purchased. Although, if you are looking for simply an overnight bag, this might work. It may not last that long though since the material is very thin.